Scanner as Camera



  1. Really cool all around! i like the common themes of hands. Out of all the hands i think my most favorite is last one. It almost looks like you are reaching into the scanner as if it wear liquid. I am really like how the hands are used to give a bit depth. I think orientation of the photos would add much more, such as flipping the photo to have the hands coming from the right unlike how it seems they are coming mostly from the left.

  2. I love how these have a feeling of mystery, like each one is telling a story that we only get to see a glimpse of. I think my favorite is the one with the yellow flower. I can't tell what the powdery stuff is, but in relation to the flower it reminds me of pollen. Lots of pollen. Which simultaneously give a feeling of dread of allergies, and a happy feeling of spring. I also agree with Julian that the watery one looks like you are reaching through the scanner, a very cool effect.

  3. I like the composition of each picture and how you refrain from placing your subject in the exact center of the image. The use of softer colors makes the yellow powder in the fourth picture stand out. I am most interested in the third picture featuring the green leaves and the soft focus on the hands. Again, the composition rests nicely on the left side of the picture and cleanly leads my eye upwards. Avoiding over exposing your images lends nicely to a soft aesthetic and brings visual consistency to the sequence of images.


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